Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams...

Today we receive news on the passing of Robin Williams, one of my favourite actor and comedian. It was reportedly a suicide. Which makes it even sadder.
For those who have yet to discover, Robin is one of many comedians who has been suffering from Bipolar Disorder. It's a psychological condition, along with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and Chronic Anxiety/Depression among others.
For a bipolar, they would appear to be very lively and funny in the presence of others. Jim Carrey is also a bipolar. Yeah I know what you're thinking. These are very funny people. Famous for their comics.
So look around you. People with psychological disorders need help. Some may not show distinct symptoms, such as OCD and Bipolar. Identify them, and please help them. There are clinics all around the country that you can refer to. Check with the Psychiatric unit of your nearest medical facilities.
p.s.: If you remember there was a service called Befrienders. I hope they are still operating.

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